Professional Meetings: Cinfa’s option for streamed training


The business landscape has changed radically in a year, greatly affecting the in-person activity we were used to. In the case of Laboratorios Cinfa, visits were the most common method of maintaining contact with pharmacy offices throughout Spain.


The need in this case was clear: to regain contact and re-establish the sense of proximity with pharmacists.

The project

The rise in the use of webinars and streaming since the beginning of lockdown gave us an idea, but the goal was to deviate a bit from the usual format.

The idea was to create a seldom seen, very relaxed format that would invite the active participation of the attendees. In this way, from our streaming solution, Professional Meetings, arose.


Cinfa’s Professional Meetings are conferences in which several key people address a specific topic such as nutrition, photoprotection or insomnia.

For broadcasting, we have taken advantage of the Cinfa Laboratories facilities in Pamplona, since these allowed us to bring together two settings and thus propose a very dynamic, television-style format  which is divided into several parts.


The event is moderated and directed by a person from Cinfa, who ensures that the broadcast runs smoothly. The broadcast itself is divided into:

  1. An initial part in which Cinfa products are presented and briefly analysed, accompanied by the latest news regarding this topic.
  2. A second part where the conversation with key people takes place.
  3. A third part where the conversation with the event attendees is created by sending questions that are displayed on the screen and answered live.

The format also allows the possibility of launching surveys so that attendees can respond live.


In addition, for the broadcasting of these events Cinfa needed a web environment that we have developed and integrated into their current training platform, adapted to the company’s corporate identity and with user integration through Single Sign-On (SSO) to collect data about the broadcast.



The first session of the Professional Meetings, “Let’s talk about nutrition”, has generated more than 500 views and more than 700 impressions. The dynamic and entertaining television format is in keeping with the close relationship that Laboratorios Cinfa maintains with pharmacy offices throughout Spain.

The broadcast events are recorded and made available on the platform so they can be used later as another training element. All this is possible without requiring any plug-ins or installation by the user, thus facilitating viewing on any device and browser.

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