Information Security Policy

It is Wetak’s policy to satisfy the expectations and needs of our customers, guaranteeing the security of the information of our products and services linked to digital learning and training. In turn, we are committed to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of the entire organization, as well as the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, protecting it from possible threats. This affects both the information we exchange with our clients in the process of our learning and training services, as well as the information stored in our products, such as Alejandría, the self-developed training platform that we customize, implement and maintain for our clients.

We opt for Information Security as a determining element of an adequate Business Management that leads to achieve a degree of Competitiveness such as to guarantee the Company’s Profitability and to continue growing and evolving as one of the main companies in the field of corporate training.

We recognize that our most important resources are information, people and the importance of the tasks, all this to provide a service linked to digital training that meets the guarantees expected by our customers.

Therefore, at Wetak we want to integrate, involve and work as a team with all the staff and also with suppliers and customers.

  • We define staff training, qualification and awareness as a basic operational tool in Information Security.
  • We have the material means and technical documentation appropriate to the services we perform, being compatible with the technologies and with the required Information Security levels. At the same time, we have defined the responsibilities for its management.
  • We have established a Security Policy that is reflected in contracts with interested parties, as well as with suppliers and subcontractors.
  • Therefore, we have documented and implemented an Information Security Management System in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 27001 focused on Continuous Improvement, which is known, understood and applied by each and every one of the people who integrate Wetak in our processes linked to corporate digital training and throughout the entire support of our customers.
  • Objectives have been established and will be reviewed annually together with the Information Security Policy. The achievement of these objectives is everyone’s responsibility, being necessary the participation and collaboration of all Wetak staff for which, the Company’s Management disseminates this Policy.
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